WATCH THE VIDEOS HERE: A friend of mine was looking to add a little character to his home. While in an antique shop, he came across an intricate door that happened to have all the features he was looking for. It was a beautiful door at one time and worth keeping around, but needed a […]
Explore the latest Rot articles
By Tom Pawlak — GBI Technical Advisor Wooden windows frequently become weathered and develop rot due to their constant exposure to the elements. Often times repairing a wood window is much faster, cheaper and more aesthetically pleasing than replacing it. Over the years we’ve been contacted by architects in search of instructions on how to […]
By Tony Sheppard, T&M Marine The Tartan Ten, Flags, sustained port-side core damage in a racecourse collision. The original repair, a simple patch applied over the damaged skin, was improper and ineffective. Within a short time, there was distortion and movement in the hull side at the repair area. Water penetrated the skin and saturated […]
by Randy Zajac Above: Appledore IV makes her way upriver after a cruise on the Saginaw Bay with her repaired topmasts in place. The Appledore IV is an 85′ LOA topsail schooner owned by the non-profit organization BaySail, based here in Bay City, Michigan. She is licensed to carry 52, including a captain and crew […]
by Tom Pawlak — GBI Technical Advisor Above: Decayed wood on a small boat. Photo by Chester Ho on Unsplash Sodium borate is used in a number of commonly used household products from laundry detergent to hand soap. It is also used to treat wood against insect and fungal attacks. Sodium borate is refined from […]