December 29
Epoxyworks 18
Explore the latest Epoxyworks 18 articles
For a Community Sailing Program By Bruce Niederer — GBI Technical Advisor Above: Optimist prams built by the SBCSA in the Gougeon boatshop, sailing before the Liberty Bridge on the Saginaw River. The Saginaw Bay Community Sailing Association (SBCSA) was founded in 1995 by a group of local sailboat racers who shared a vision of a […]
By Bruce Niederer — GBI Technical Advisor Above: The layout of an Optimist pram provides an example of how to go about estimating epoxy amounts. This formula will help you estimate the amount of mixed epoxy needed to wet out fiberglass cloth (assuming a resin-to-fiber ratio of 50:50) and apply three rolled epoxy coats to fill […]
By Dan Anderson Above: Align stitch-and-glue panels with a dowel rod. The wire connecting the panel edges passes over the dowel section on the inside of the joint, clamping the panel edges to the dowel. Here’s a tip for when you need to align stitch-and-glue panels that we heard about too late to use on […]
John McKibbin sent pictures of his refinished 18′ laminated canoe. He built it back in 1976 using cold-molded, that is, laminated composite construction, with WEST SYSTEM® epoxy. Laminating a hull is similar to making your own plywood on a three-dimensional mold. While it may take more time and effort to make a laminated hull, the […]