By Jim Ensminger I purchased the material to build the strong back (the frame for building the cedar strips around). Building the strong back was much more involved and time-consuming than I expected. I chose 7/8″ by 12′ cedar for the hull itself. I could not buy anything locally, and the directions stated that splices […]
Canoe & Kayak Construction
Explore the latest Canoe & Kayak Construction articles
By Tom Pawlak — Retired GBI Technical Advisor Wooden paddles and boat oars are known for getting dented in service. While G/flex 650 is not optimized for use as a coating, we found it was worth the extra effort it takes to apply to wooden canoe paddles and boat oars to deflect impact and prevent cracking the […]
For a Polynesian Voyaging Canoe By Joe Parker The John Williams Boat Co. (JWC) on Mt. Desert Island, Maine, recently a set of iakos for the Polynesian voyaging canoe Hôkûle’a, built and maintained for the Polynesian Voyaging Society. We sailors sometimes think of ourselves as adventurers and explorers, self-sufficient and capable of handling the vagaries […]
By Tom Pawlak — GBI Technical Advisor If you look closely at some of the photos in the Bufflehead article, you will notice small eye pads (also called pad eyes) in strategic locations inside and outside of Hugh Horton’s Bufflehead. Hugh makes this lightweight carbon fiber or Twaron™ reinforced nylon line eye pads for his sailing […]
By Al Witham There is a simple way for those of us who may be “artistically challenged” to produce easy marquetry inlaid furniture, jewelry boxes, canoe decks, trays, etc. with a modest investment in equipment and materials, in a reasonable period of time, and with eye-pleasing results. I have no formal training in making marquetry […]