By Dan Paul Designed and built to reflect the look of a North Carolina sport fishing boat, I built this boat in my own small shop. I always loved the bow flare, transom tumblehome, and broken sheer line of these works of art. I call this model a mid-rider SFX as it has a significant […]
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WEST SYSTEM® Epoxy is—as the name states—an epoxy resin system. Epoxy is easy to use, has excellent properties, and is the go-to choice for repairs, high-performance composites, and wooden boat building. However, mass production boats are primarily built with polyester. Let’s take a look at WEST SYSTEM Epoxy compared to polyester resin to understand why.
Suspended in a cradle at the former Creese’s yard, Battery Point, a 40-year-old 40′ timber yacht is being returned to its original form to compete in the 80th Rolex Sydney Hobart. The yacht is owned by an experienced sailor, Rob Gough, who, with John Saul aboard the Akilaria RC2 “Sidewinder,” etched their place in Race […]
By Ken Wilson After burning out my engine coupler and being towed home to Kelowna Yacht Club (KYC) (by a sailboat, no less), I knew my boat was going to need some work. We hauled the boat out of the water and removed the engine to determine the extent of repairs required.
WATCH THE VIDEOS HERE: A friend of mine was looking to add a little character to his home. While in an antique shop, he came across an intricate door that happened to have all the features he was looking for. It was a beautiful door at one time and worth keeping around, but needed a […]